Tuesday 15 October 2013

New posts

Hi guys!

Although I said I would be posting more, I haven't had a chance to take photos, for my upcoming blog post 'Collective Beauty Haul' and I really don't like store kinda photos! I haven't had a chance because UK weather has been poopy, very very poopy, and the rain is making the lighting all weird.

I know you are probably thinking; Livvi, why don't you turn on a light??

Well, the light makes the products come up very strange looking!!

So very soon, I will be posting, as soon as light is Ok(ish)

It might not be until the weekend, but, better late then never eh;) but seriously, I will try and post!!

Sorry and I loves youuuu

- Liv xo

Saturday 12 October 2013

a new start:)

Hi girls! and guys if guys are watching (?) .. 

I decided to delete all of my posts, and start new, because lets be honest, all my posts were crap.

I will do a update for y'all:

1. I applied for my upper school:)

2. I met a girl called Erin Dethick and shes now my chummy, bestfriend and unbiological sister<3

3. its my birthday in 18 days:))))) (30th October and I will be 13!)

4. basically have loads so I won't put them all down!

But please could you follow my instagram? _livlane

Thankyou, sorry, and I love you all!

-olivia xo

ps: expect more posts very very soon!
